We run through the door and grab a big hug
A cuddly Grandma kiss and another big hug
Grandma is waiting for us so she can play
All her jobs were done yesterday.
With paint and crayons we make a mess
Grandma even gets some on her dress.
We paint a picture for mummy to see
When she sits down with a cup of tea,
With glue and sparkles, buttons and beads
We give our painting all it needs.
Its colourful, its bright and sticky with glue,
“Mummy, we did it just for you”.
We let it dry whilst we take a sleep
And Grandma cleans up, bubbles knee deep,
We know she doesn’t mind all the mess we make
Because she makes us yummy chocolate cake.
Off to the park where we swing so high
Our toes almost reach the sky,
Down the slippy dip we do slide
Whilst Grandma finds a place to hide.
“We can see you” we shout so loud
And Grandma jumps out very proud,
She says “today we’ve had lots of fun
And now the day is almost done”
Bubbles and baths are waiting for you
And bedtime stories chosen just for you.
We hop into bed and snuggle right down
As Grandma creeps in with a little frown
“Who’s that sleeping in my bed” we heard her say
“oh, Grandma please, can we play another day?”
We really have had so much fun
One more play, please, before home we run.
Of course, you must come again and play
Grandma loves to see you any day,
Now close your eyes and go to sleep
I don’t want to hear another peep.
Night Night Charlotte and Matilda xx
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