Two siblings to the same two parents. The first a girl and then a boy, both born with blue eyes and the beginnings of beautiful strawberry blonde hair.

And that, my friends, is where any similarities end.  What? You cry, no! Surely not, they are sister and brother, there must be some traits they share?

Nope, not on your Nelly. You must be kidding!! How could that be? But let me tell you, after going through life with these two and looking out like a hawk for something that would seem to say “yes, we do share an interest in…………”. Well I’m still waiting. Wait, I do tell a lie, there is something and that is that they are both fiercely protective of family. Something I really am grateful for as having moved countries with himself (before they were born) to start our own dynasty, I would be very sad indeed if our plans had backfired.

The girl offspring was an easy child. You turn the page of the ‘happy parent ‘book and yes, she did that, next page, yes that’s where she’s at, look, she did this.  This parenting lark is easy, let’s have another!!

Well another came and the book went out of the window. It stayed out there too. I had to write my own book on this one. No more calm restful nights with another little happy face to greet in the morning. No, he had other ideas and that didn’t involve sleep. No way. Sleep was for someone else. Better if you scream when put down, that will show them for having me second!

She sibling just smiled and went quietly about her way until all was well and just loved her little brother.

School was a great learning joy for she sibling who worked hard to gain her well-deserved achievements. He sibling thought it was one great social and sports club and learning just got in the way. I began to think all schools had my ‘phone number on speed dial!

Gentle, bright, determined, calm but strong, the she child with the golden locks smiled her way through life and you just couldn’t help smiling back. The sunny glowing child, your first born, has navigated her way through to a successful adult life with the sunniest disposition you could ever meet.

He child is certainly bright and strong and …determined… to get his own way. He has grasped life with both hands and is shaking every drop out of it. He challenges everything and everyone everyday but is maddeningly successful too in the laziest of ways and you ask HOW?
Chalk and cheese anyone?

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