Life is busy we know. Add bringing up children into the mix and many would agree, life gets very busy, hectic at times some would say depending on the number of said tackers in the family mix. Whether its daytime or even night time, there is always something to be doing for or with them. There aren’t many moments you can call your own during this journey and even when you think the journeys tunnel has a bit of light shining through, they come back for more!! Sometimes, often times bringing a ring-in for company!!

Don’t get me wrong, a hectic household, noisy with many voices, demands for food, clean socks and underwear and ‘mum, he’s looking at me” tells you that that the family is still speaking to one another…. sort of …but it does keep you on your toes at the best of times. Add to that the rosters on the fridge for footy fixtures, swimming lessons and school concerts and you barely have time to swipe a bit of ‘lippy’ on and kiss the commuting other half goodbye as you try to get out of the door to do a day’s work outside of the house yourself.

Holidays, if you manage them at all, are quite often carefully booked away from your hometown as you really have to make sure that another long suffering family who’s offspring are equally as ‘bored’ and the parents/guardians  who are as equally worn out are going to be in yelling distance or….white wine distance so that perhaps a bit of grown up time is allocated. You probably will never see these people again so a winge and a moan and a bit of yelling won’t go round the ‘mother’s group’ or school yard and you are thankful for that time.

The years go by in a blink of an eye even though the years seem the longest at the time, but the time does come when life becomes quieter and the home numbers diminish as life carries on for them elsewhere as they form their new agenda’s and companions.

Life goes back to just the original players and a many deep breaths are taken. Time for us. What shall we do, it’s so ……quiet?!

Weekends are spent ‘finding’ things to do and ‘finding’ places to go and we discover that right on our doorstep there are ferries to catch, trails to explore, gardens to visit, sailboats to watch, cafés to sit and chat at and we have only just started. Why didn’t we see these before?

Because we were too busy that’s why and we find, they were here in our backyard all along!!

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