If I have to confess to an annoying habit then it would be that of multi-tasking

Multi-tasking is a habit of mine that really, really infuriates ‘him indoors’. Yes, I can call him that now as not only has he spent the weekends with me he has spent the last 3 working weeks, 2 days, six hours and 32 minutes and counting, INDOORS ‘working’ from home.  A term used witheringly. Working? my foot! but I digress.

I believe that I multi-task well. I have been doing it long enough. In my mind, it’s the only way to get things done and I enjoy the challenge.

I go to put the recycling in the bin in the laundry and “whilst I’m here, I might as well put the whites on a long wash and sort through the knickers and socks in the dry basket before they end up sorting themselves out into quickly grabbed twosomes”.

Arriving back in the kitchen I’m greeted with the where have you been syndrome of the ‘working’ from home, not used to my routine, in my loungeroom at my dining room table person!!

“putting the recycling in the bin, where do you think I’ve been? Naww, were you worried that I’d fallen in the bin? How sweet. “

“how long does it take you to put the recycling in the bin?”  “Does it matter?” say I “how do you think you can sit in front of your screen in your clean clothes and matching socks?”.

I don’t know whether it’s the male in him or that he is an Engineer but it’s everything in straight lines and one job at a time, which I have to confess to that being HIS most annoying habit. One job at a time? If that were the case, I would still be putting the finishing touches to my daughter’s wedding cake ……5 years later.

Multi-tasking in our hibernation state though does bring some benefits. It means I can get 3 jobs done upstairs whilst he loudly chimes into his conference call and shares belly laughs with his co-conspirators over the antics of the various households. I can do 3 jobs in the kitchen whilst he is video calling and there is nothing he can do about it, Unless of course he wants the world to see his ‘Dancing Queen’, feeling the beat of the tea bag scene, oh yeah (courtesy of ABBA’s murdered lyrics) I can dance, I can jive, have the time of my life with the Teabag scene AND THERE’S NOTHING HE CAN DO ABOUT IT ! Oh yeah …………….

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