Have you ever looked at your fridge, really looked?
Seriously? ‘What on earth is this about’, I hear you ask. This time the author has really lost the plot!
Let me explain. Fridges come in varying sizes, from the camping fridge to keep the beers cold, the benchtop fridge for those that don’t keep much. The small under-bench fridge for the essentials and the whopping great big double door, ice making, fresh cold-water dispensing fridge for the ever-hungry family or the entertaining hosts amongst us. (Don’t count me in the latter, I draw the line at entertainment cooking. I cook because I have to, to stay alive not for fun!). I digress.
Whatever the size of fridge, in whatever dynamic of household, in whatever spot it’s located and whatever colour, bold or not, the fridge, it appears, is the new go-to place. For most, usually the caregivers or meal providers, it is the storage place from which is picked the various ingredients to provide everyday culinary delights. Ingredients usually of the fresh variety, sometimes not! There can be left-overs to be consumed at tonight’s dinner, left-overs from just past the ‘use by date’. Pre prepared entrees for afternoon tea and drinks and things that could probably creep out themselves if they had legs! Whatever is in there, however long it’s been there, I have begun to realise, can sometimes be of no consequence. The fridge it seems is the place of first stop for visiting offspring. “Just having a look”. It is the door we open to take a deep breath as we brace ourselves before delivering unexpected news whether good or bad. They are the cool shelves we look at when we don’t quite know what to do next, hoping for inspiration. It is the door that is opened and then slammed shut as we try to contain our erupting anger. The heavy clunk of the door seemingly takes the punch out of the argument, thankfully. It is the door we open for no other reason but to just stand and stare whilst we gather our thoughts after a frustrating day. It is the door that holds the refreshing drink to set us up once more.
BUT it is also the door where we proudly display our treasured photos of loved ones and happy days, it is the door where children’s and grandchildren’s precious artwork is displayed. It is the gathering place of the magnets with telephone numbers of emergency plumbers, electricians, pest control and our favourite take- away establishments.
Look again in the kitchen. The hub of homelife. The Fridge deserves acknowledgment, in my opinion.Post Views : 334